Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thoughts on the Biblical View of Marriage

I have been stewing over the California Proposition 8 thing for quite some time, and it really comes down to how people see marriage. God is VERY clear on how marriage is: Marriage is the union between one man and one woman. It is very clear on how God made man and woman: biologically and mentally. In the Old Testament, the Levitical laws were set up in a specific way for a reason.(Leviticus 18:22, 20:13) They were set up so the People of Israel would not defile themselves and ruin the temple of God. Yes, our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. In the first part of Paul's letter to the Romans, he mentions that if the people would not obey Him, He would give them over to a reprobate mind. Also, they would give their bodies over to unholy uses, such as those of people of the same sex. God is VERY CLEAR that those uses are an ABOMINATION. (Romans 1:24-32) There is only one use for marriage, and that is a heterosexual and monogamous use. God is quite clear. (All of y'all will find out quite soon that I wear my heart on my sleeve, and that I am quite opinionated where my Lord is concerned. Also, I am getting my Bachelor's in Theology soon, so when I see something contrary to scripture, it gets on my nerves!)

Solo Deo Gloria!!!



  1. Welcome and may the Peace of Christ be with you Erik. I am so pleased you have joined us.

  2. It is good to be here! Nice to have people from different ends of theological background. I've been doing a bunch of church stuff since our church has bought a church off of Louetta and Stuebner-Airline! We now don't need to worship in a junior high school anymore! We had a work day... I had to take a break and put the christmas pies in the fridge and in a minute go give our presents to my dad and brother... Merry Christmas to all... Jesus Christ is the Reason!!!!

